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Showing posts from 2020

Screen-Printed Magnetic Electrode

What is it? It is a graphite screen-printed electrode coupled with a screen-printed bonded magnet (NdFeB particles dispersed in a thixotropic carbon ink) with 3 mm ∅, 56 ± 6 μm thickness. Scope The magnetic screen-printed electrode is a compact, portable, cheap, and disposable alternative to various accessories have been developed aiming to attract MNPs on the electrode surface, such as magnetic electrode shafts, electrochemical cells integrating (electro)magnets, magnetic stickers, etc. Investigation In the study parameters as the composition of the NdFeB/ink blend, the thickness and the pattern (compact or hole-engraved) of the printed magnet, and the thickness of the substrate were investigated by both experimental and theoretical studies. Results The performance is enhanced if a void round area is created in the center of the magnet to introduce a further area of strong field gradient. This pattern allows the development of stronger attracting forces to MNPs, higher MNPs loading, a...

Riboflavin the essential yellow!

What is it? Riboflavin is the well known Vitamin B2, it can be found in food and used as a dietary supplement. It is a water-soluble yellow compound that used to be called lactochrome or Vitamin G. It was discovered in 1920, isolated un 1933 and first made in 1935. It can be synthesized by plants, yeasts, and procaryotic cells, while mammals can obtain it by consuming plant-based foods. Chemical Structure The name "Riboflavin" comes from ribose (the sugar whose reduced form, ribitol, appears in structure) and flavus which means yellow in Latin, because of the ring-moiety (Isoalloxazine ring) which imparts the yellow color to the oxidized molecule. The isoalloxazine ring is a focal point for electron transfers, which allow riboflavin to take its three redox forms (fully oxidized/quinone, one-electron reduced/semi-quinone and two electrons reduced/hydroquinone). Additionally, riboflavin is the precursor of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleot...